December 3, 2024


Changed Your Life

ICT Solutions in the Classroom

An ICT (Information and Communication Technology) solution enhances education to a new high tech environment. Reports show that many schools are integrating ICT solutions into learning and teaching nowadays. The education system is getting real benefits by implementing ICT Technology. Today ICT solutions like interactive Whiteboards have become an important part of learning environment. Every school, college and university is implementing Interactive Whiteboards into their classroom. ICT solution is fantastic motivator and enabler, but it is necessary to choose only the technology that will enhance learning and their teaching ideas. Using appropriate technology provides opportunities to develop independent learning skills.

Using ICT solutions into education enhances children’s creativity and builds their self esteem. The use of ICT solutions helps remove the boundaries between learning and experiences that take place in home and at school. Other ICT Technology like Visualisers, projectors, digital signage and response systems are truly useful teaching tool. Children might not be able to take home their models or artwork, but they can capture it using visualiser, print it out and, later, discuss what they did with their family.

Often quiet and withdrawn children can respond spontaneously using ICT based response system. There is considerable research evidence that learners are highly motivated when their learning is supported by ICT Technology. Students are more engaged in activities; they show increased interest and demonstrate a longer attention span. ICT can provide high quality teaching resources. ICT provides opportunities for teachers to be creative in their teaching and in student learning. ICT solutions are going to play an important role in teaching.